When the Grimfeld family commissioned this Carpenter Gothic homestead, they’d never have thought that they’d only be living in it for three short years. That seems like a small amount of time but, then again, I’ve never lived there.
In late 1882, the family had it built upon their rolling acres of wheat fields in the countryside of Iowa. This style of building was passé by then, considered old-fashioned by some. Gregory Grimfeld, the family patriarch, didn’t care. Neither would I, but as established, I didn’t live there.
Though vacated by the Grimfelds in body by 1885, they have continued to keep the home in their *ahem* possession ever since. Haunting it’s dual spires and numerous gabled attics during the day and night alike. Numerous prospective buyers have tried to occupy it since (never me, it should be stated) but each time the stay was short-lived (much like the Grimfeld family themselves).
From time to time a local stumbles upon the Grimfeld Manor, often feeling a great pull to enter. A beckoning, siren song leads the enthralled into the door and amongst the ghosts. The Grimfeld Ghosts, having spent longer than a century in each others’ arduous company, welcome the fresh blood. But in their enthusiasm have too easily scared away the would-be house guests upon materialising before them.
And so, for now the home remains unoccupied, save for the Grimfeld Ghosts. Ghosts that, though not living as of this moment, lived in this home. Which is more than I can say for me.
You can buy prints of all of the Places I’ve never lived here: Three Pronged Widget's Store
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